This page provides basic information about voltage comparator integrated circuits and is to act as reference material for other circuits. The circuits shown are based on the LM339 Quad Voltage Comparator chip or the LM393 Dual Voltage Comparator chip. These devices are functionally identical. The LM311 Voltage Comparator can be used for these applications as well and also has a number of unique features.
Internal Circuitry For 1/4 Of An LM339
Comparator Equivalent
Single Supply Comparator Equivalent schematic
The output is switched ON or OFF depending on the relative voltages at the PLUS and MINUS inputs of the comparator, see the rules below. The inputs are quite sensitive and a difference of only a few millivolts between the two will cause the output to turn on or off.
The LM339, LM393 and LM311 comparator chips can operate from a single or dual power supply of up to 32 volts maximum.
When operated from Dual or Split power supplies the basic operation of comparator chips is unchanged except that for most devices the emitter of the output transistor is connected to the negative supply rail and not the circuit common. An exception to this is the LM311 which has a separate emitter terminal that can be connected to either.
Dual Supply Comparator Equivalent schematic
Comparator Operation
For these circuits the REFERENCE voltage is fixed at one-half of the supply voltage while the INPUT voltage is variable from zero to the supply voltage. In theory the REFERENCE and INPUT voltages can be anywhere between zero and the supply voltage but there are practical limitations on the actual range depending on the particular device used.
Basic Comparator Operation
Input Vs. Output Results
- Current WILL flow through the open collector when the voltage at the PLUS input is lower than the voltage at the MINUS input.
- Current WILL NOT flow through the open collector when the voltage at the PLUS input is higher than the voltage at the MINUS input.
Input Vs. Output Results
Input Offset Voltage
The net result of the Input Offset Voltage is that the output transistor does not fully turn on or off when the input voltage is close to the reference voltage.
The following diagram attempts to illustrate the effect of the input offset voltage with a slowly changing input voltage. This effect increases as the output transistor current increases so keeping the value of RL high will help reduce the problem.
Effect Of Input Offset Voltage
Input Offset Voltage And Hysterysis
The effect is that as the input voltage slowly changes the reference voltage will quickly change in the opposite direction. This gives the comparator a "snap" action. See the following paragraphs for more information.
An Explanation of Input Hysterysis Voltage
Sometimes, in a discrete design, there is a need to add an external resistor between the comparator's output and the positive input, creating a weak positive feedback loop. When the output makes a transition, the positive feedback slightly changes the positive input so as to reinforce the output change.
A mechanical analog of this effect can be found in many electrical switches. As you move the handle just past the center point, a spring in the switch will try to pull the handle all the way over, ensuring that the switch ends up in a definite ON or OFF state.
Input Hysterysis
If the comparator is initially 'OFF', the MINUS input voltage has to become slightly above the PLUS input voltage before the comparator output turns 'ON'. This is represented by moving right along the bottom part of the loop.
Once the comparator is 'ON', the MINUS input voltage needs to drop slightly below the PLUS input voltage before it turns 'OFF' again (moving left along the top of the loop).
The width of the loop outlined by an off-on-off cycle is the input hysteresis voltage.
The hysteresis voltage for most comparators is in the millivolt range and usually only affects circuits where the input voltage rises or falls very slowly or has voltage spikes knoown as "noise".
The Hysterysis voltage range can be increased if needed to help when the input voltage is noisey so the the output does not change states unnecessarily. The FLIP-FLOP circuits shown later on this page make use of an exaggerated hysterysis to create the memory effect.
Increasing The Input Hysterysis Range
Voltage Window Detector Circuit
Window Comparator
Comparator Oscillator Circuit
Oscillator Made From A Comparator
Using An OPAMP As A Comparator
Comparator Made From An Operational Amplifier
Basic Comparator Circuits
Photocell Circuits
Photocell Circuits Schematic
If higher current loads are to be driven a PNP transistor can be added to the comparators output this will allow loads of up to 300Ma. to be controlled.
Relay Driver Output Schematic
Time Delay Circuits
Comparator Time Delay Schematic 1
More Delay circuits.
Comparator Timer Delay Schematic 2
Basic Memory Functions
Comparator FLIP/FLOP Schematic
- When the output of the comparator is off the voltage at the PLUS input will be the same as the supply voltage. With the PLUS input voltage higher than the MINUS input voltage the output will remain off.
- When the SET button is pushed the voltage at the PLUS input will go to zero and the output will turn on.
- When the SET button is release the voltage at the PLUS input will rise to 1/2 of the supply voltage and the output will remain turned on because the voltage at the PLUS input is remains below the voltage at the MINUS input.
- When the RESET button is pressed voltage at the MINUS input will go to zero from its normal level of 3/4 of the supply voltage. The output will turn off because the voltage at the MINUS input is below the voltage at the PLUS input. When the output turns off the voltage at the PLUS input will rise to the supply voltage level.
- When the RESET button is released the voltage at the MINUS input will rise to 3/4 of the supply voltage. The PLUS input voltage will stay above the voltage at the MINUS input and the output will stay turned off.
Open Collector Output Transistors
The following three diagrams are some examples of Dual voltage circuits. In the first two the voltage at the output of the comparators could even be full wave direct current.